Grand Rapids Counselor
Grand Rapids Counselor
Find the best quality counseling in Grand Rapids, MI

Counseling and Health Services


Counseling for Major Life Changes

Often times stress from major life changes and transitions can overwhelm our senses and cause us to feel tired and sluggish, or on edge and jittery. It's important to have a counselor who understands major life changes, who sees the strengths that you have, and doesn't seek to label you with an unnecessary diagnosis. All of our counselors at Grand Rapids Counselor can help you get through it!

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Family/ Marriage Counseling

Break-ups, separations, and divorces can be painful, but with the right support, you can make the right decision for your relationship . No matter what is going on, family and marriage counseling has helped many couples rekindle their love and friendship and stay together.

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Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression are real conditions. The good news is that they don't have to permanent ways of living. All of our counselors at Grand Rapids Counselor are equipped to help you overcome anxiety and depression and feel better again!

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Relationship Counseling

Relationships make the world go round. When you are having difficulties finding the relationships you want, managing the ones you have, and dealing with different types of relationships it can be torturous. Whether they be work-oriented, family, family, or romantic in nature, it is important to have help and guidance from an objective counselor.

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Overcoming Trauma and PTSD

When people are suffering from trauma or post traumatic stress disorder, it can feel like the mental, emotional, and physical pain will never end. It can affect every part of their lives and cause issues with family and friends. There are effective treatments for trauma and PTSD- one of the most-researched and empirically-proven is EMDR therapy. 

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Counseling for Women

As a woman in the modern world, there are many pressures and expectations to contend with. Whether you are a single woman, in a relationship, or working on having  or parenting children - counseling can help you get the support you need to be your best self.

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Behavioral Problems in Children

If you are frustrated with your child's behavioral problems, you are not alone. There are many alternatives to medication found in counseling. It is important to find a counselor with knowledge of child development and with the skills to help you implement lasting behavioral changes. There is hope!

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Counseling for Teenagers

The adolescent years can often prove to the most challenging for the parents and teen! If your teenager is having difficulties in school, with socialization, or behaviors (including internet use, video games, and substances), it is important to get help for the child and the parents before things get worse!

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Online Counseling

When access to healthcare is limited, online care options are feasible and convenient alternatives. For mental health, this means therapy sessions over a HIPAA-compliant video chat service. More people are becoming aware of services such as BetterHelp and Talkspace, but one of the best reasons about choosing a local counselor or therapist to work with online during this time is that when all of these social distancing and quarantine measures are over–you can work with them in-person as well.

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Health Courses

Take a course. Change your life.

Get all the benefits of working with one of our health experts, on your own time. Take one of our courses conveniently online.

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Trauma Informed Counseling

Our goal is to help our clients understand how trauma affects them as a whole person and work with them to reunify their thoughts, emotions, and body. We have training on advanced techniques that can offer symptom relief and a path out of feeling hopeless. The good news is that with time and focus, most people can become symptom-free and learn to manage future difficulties from a place of inner peace and strength.

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EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy)

EMDR (also known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) is an integrative psychotherapy methodology that has been proven effective for the treatment of trauma through extensive research. The EMDR therapy process is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from many different treatment approaches and can be combined with other modes of therapy.

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Somatic Experiencing Therapy

The Somatic Experiencing method is a body-oriented psychotherapy approach to the healing of trauma, along with other stress disorders. Dr. Peter A. Levine invented the therapy method as a result of a multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics—together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The Somatic Experiencing approach works to release traumatic shock, which is one of the keys to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.

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Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based therapy treatment for adults, as well as children and adolescents (and their parents or caregivers) who have been impacted by trauma. Research studies have illustrated that TF-CBT has successfully resolved a broad array of emotional and behavioral difficulties associated with single, multiple and even complex trauma experiences.

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Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Essentially, this therapy is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) being implemented from a trauma-informed or “trauma-sensitive” perspective. The reason this is important is that if a mindfulness teacher (for basic mindfulness exercises) or a therapist utilized MBCT was not trauma-informed, they may not be able to help a person with the pitfalls of trauma-memory induced panic attacks or intrusive thoughts that may arise during mindfulness-based exercises. It is also important that an MBCT therapist and mindfulness exercise facilitator understand that “avoidance” of traumatic material could cause symptoms to worsen.

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an action-oriented approach to psychotherapy that combines traditional behavioral therapies and cognitive behavioral therapy. Clients learn to directly face inner emotions, instead of avoiding or denying them and work to accept that these deeper feelings are appropriate responses to certain situations. When implemented ACT enables clients to be able to take their newfound awareness into action and help them move forward—no longer allowing unwanted behaviors or avoidance of emotions to prevent them from moving forward in their lives. By gaining a better understanding of themselves, their behaviors, and emotions, clients begin to accept certain issues and hardships in their lives and actively commit to making essential changes in their behavior, regardless of what is going on in their lives, and their programmed or repetitive feelings about it. Counselors that utilize ACT, help individuals acknowledge the ways in which their attempts to control, suppress or over-manage emotional experiences create challenges in their lives. By recognizing and directly addressing these challenges, individuals can become better able to implement values-based actions that support their overall well-being.  

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Low Cost Counseling

Low cost counseling at Health for Life Counseling is an accessible approach to mental health care. This service is provided by intern therapists who are in the process of completing their professional training. However, the fact that they haven’t yet received their certification does not mean their skills or expertise are any less valuable.

These interns work under the supervision of professional therapists and apply the latest theories and methods from their studies to real situations. On average, they offer their services for just $40* per session because this experience is mutually beneficial — it supports both your growth and theirs.

Similar to certified counselors, intern therapists who’re under their supervision provide personalized care, tailored to meet your unique needs. Therefore, choosing low-cost counseling with intern therapists means that you will get the help you need affordably and effectively.

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